Three Types of Toothbrushes and When to Use Them

Dental care affects much more than your teeth. Bad teeth contribute to physical health problems like gum disease, headaches, and heart disease. You may also develop poor self-esteem, leading to withdrawal from social activities and difficulty dating, making friends, or getting a job.

Luckily, your teeth don’t care what you use on them so long as you rid them of plaque and bacteria. The different types of toothbrushes available allow you to choose your preference, though certain toothbrush features work better for particular dental situations. Whether you prefer electric or manual toothbrushes, learn which toothbrush works best for you.

Do you want to improve the health and appearance of your teeth? Learn more about veneer installation in Tucson, AZ.

Type 1: Manual Toothbrushes

Many people enjoy manual toothbrushes. These toothbrushes are disposable dental brushes. You operate this toothbrush by hand to scrub your teeth.  

These toothbrushes come in various sizes, shapes, and colors and offer different bristle strengths. Soft bristles work just as well as medium bristle brushes. However, either option provides more benefits than hard bristles.

Hard bristle toothbrushes cause more damage than they correct. Many people use heavy pressure when brushing, so combining that force with hard bristles can injure gums and tooth enamel.

Using hard bristles for an extended time may also cause gum damage or recession. This toothbrush type can also make you vulnerable to tooth sensitivity, cavities, thinned enamel, and stained teeth.

When considering your next manual toothbrush purchase, the best manual toothbrushes have multiple levels or angled bristles that clean your teeth better than flat brushes. Toothbrushes with varying bristles reach every tooth crevice, especially if you wear braces or have crowded teeth. You should replace your manual toothbrush every three to four months or any time the bristles begin to fray.

Type 2: Rotating Electric Toothbrushes

Electric toothbrushes with a rotating head brush your teeth in quick circular motions. They may also include a pulsating function.

If you have trouble reaching your rear molars when using a manual toothbrush, rotating electric toothbrushes have plenty of reach. Furthermore, if you have crowded teeth, this toothbrush type has a small head for tight spaces.

These toothbrushes may slow you down since you have to brush each tooth individually. Nonetheless, you’ll guarantee that every tooth receives careful cleaning.

Type 3: Sonic Toothbrushes

Do you want an electric toothbrush but prefer brushing your teeth with the same movements as manual brushing? Sonic toothbrushes have an oval brush head that vibrates and pulses. As a result, this toothbrush type helps you clean your teeth better than manual toothbrushes.

If you like both manual and electric types of toothbrushes, the sonic toothbrush offers the best of both worlds.

Choose the Best Toothbrush for Your Dental Situation

While all offer some cleaning ability, specific types of toothbrushes work better for certain dental situations. If you want more information on choosing the right toothbrush, call (520) 293-2166 to schedule an appointment with Smile Perfection.

Do you know the best way to cover bad teeth? Get more information to decide between veneers or crowns.

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