Can I Eat Before Dental Sedation? Tips To Prepare

For sedation dentistry services in Tucson, AZ, call Smile Perfection at 520-293-2166.

Dental sedation refers to the process of a dental professional administering a sedative before an operation to alleviate dental anxieties. This sedative helps patients relax, allowing the procedure to go smoothly. 

Many patients have questions about the dental sedation process, like “can I eat before dental sedation?” 

Smile Perfection is Tucson’s most trustworthy dental office offering several dental care services such as dental implants, sleep apnea mouthguards, and much more. Our experienced team ensures that you leave our office feeling positive about your dental health. 

Here are some tips to help you prepare for your operation, depending on the type of sedation provided by your dentist. 

Nitrous Oxide 

When patients ask, “can I eat before dental sedation?” it depends on what sedation type their dentist uses during the operation. 

If your procedure requires nitrous oxide, there are no diet restrictions before your appointment. Nitrous oxide is commonly referred to as laughing gas. It is the mildest form of oral sedation that dentists use. 

When you inhale nitrous oxide, you will be aware of your surroundings during the procedure. However, the sedative will relax you to the point of not feeling anxious. 

We recommend eating light before your procedure. This sedative does make some patients nauseous. Therefore, you should keep eating to a minimum until you know how your body reacts to nitrous oxide. 

Oral Sedation 

Oral sedation refers to a dental professional giving a patient a sedative pill before a procedure. Because people react differently to oral medication, advice varies regarding whether or not you should eat beforehand.

You can drink clear liquids leading up to your procedure. For expert advice, consult with your dental professional before your appointment. 

IV Sedation 

The strongest form of sedation is when an oral surgeon uses an IV to sedate a patient. You will be unaware of what is going on in the operating room. 

Typically, your dentist will provide you with dietary limitations leading up to the procedure. In most cases, you cannot eat for up to six hours before your procedure. It is best to show up with an empty stomach. 

Local Anesthesia

Although local anesthesia is not technically a form of sedation, you may have dietary restrictions implemented by your dentist. We recommend eating light, as anesthesia may cause nausea. 

Anesthesia will numb most of the pain during your procedure. You may feel a slight pinch when your dentist injects the numbing agent. Otherwise, you should feel next to nothing. 

Schedule an Appointment Today

We hope we provided an answer to your question, “can I eat before dental sedation?” 

Smile Perfection aims to make you feel as comfortable as possible before dental sedation. Our hospitable customer service staff will answer all your questions before your appointment, relieving any stress you may have about your procedure. 

To schedule a dental appointment with Smile Perfection for yourself or your child, call our Tucson, Arizona office at 520-293-2166

We are also available for emergency dental work at any time! Here, you can learn more about dental anesthesia.

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